I'm Jehu Inferido Mamac, I study in University of Bohol taking Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering, and I believe that educating people about how culture and food correlate helps individual understand more about themselves. I have 2 years of experience exploring and discovering the unique recipes made by communities around the world, and I use my knowledge to create costume and memorable events.
I'm Jehu Inferido Mamac and study at University of Bohol SY: 2022-2023 taking Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering and live in Macaas, Tubigon, Bohol, Purok 2.
"Cooking with love provides foods for the soul" Home cooking with love, those words can have a variety of meanings. While food provides nourishment for the body, cooking can provide nourishment for the soul. A dish, recipe or meal can be a lovely way to connect friends, family or anyone around the table.
September 2022 - Present
Assistant chef manage inventory and ensure compliance with food safety and kitchen cleanliness standards. They assist kitchen staff in the preparation of foods. To get this job , one must be trained, have needed cooking skills, and must have kitchen experience. .
August 2021
Assistant mechanic in operating, repairing, and refurbishing motors, Primarly, machanics assistant work on the installation, repair, and replacement of an motor parts. They need to be knowledge of the process and composition of motors. The skill set of this position includes a strong work ethic, diognostic skills, costumer service skills.
January 2021
As a sales representative must display a strong knowledge to assist costumer with their costumer inquiries and concern. As a sales representative should have a communication skills and extensive knowledge of the sales.
"As a Web Developer involved in designing and creating websites from scratch or working with existing templates. This includes writing code for the front-end (HTML, CSS, JavaScript) to ensure a visually appealing and user-friendly interface.."
For orders and reservation don't hesitate to call or message me from the details given below.
Phone: (+63) 9774680369
Phone: (+63) 9455062596
Macaas, Purok 2
Tubigon, Bohol